Battle Of The Stones: Marble Vs. Granite
granite wholesalers sydney, marble wholesalers sydneyTo say granite and marble are similar materials would be to completelydisregard both these materials. These materials have their own unique and distinguishing features which make them unique to themselves.Therefore, this comparison is to analyze their pros and cons to decided the material you will use in your home.
Why to go for Granite
While granite has limited variations as compared with marble, you still have a choice of options to chose from. For a proper wide range of options decent granite wholesalers sydney is the place to go. Large wholesalers such as this will provide you with all the available options that you can select from. Granite also has a wider range of surfaces that it can be used on when compared with marble. Granite also has the distinct advantage that it can be used as tiles outdoors as well as indoors. Granite also has the advantage when it comes to durability and safety. On a granite floor, you have the assurance of not slipping even when wet and you don’t have to worry about damaging the tiles due to heels or because of moving chairs or tables.
Why go for Marble
The clear and simple reason to go for marble is to make a statement. Marbles floors especially send out a clear and unambiguous message of class and elegance. Marbles floors have the perfect smooth finish that granite floors struggle to obtain. Marble also has a unique trick up its sleeve where light canpenetrate the marble, to a certain level, to give an effect of the marble shining or glowing. Also, when it comes to range, marble gives a far more superior range of colors and options that granite does. If you want to fully avail yourself to this full range marble tile suppliers Sydney is the place to visit. Large vendors such as this, like with granite, provide the perfect opportunity to see all your options under one roof.
The Drawbacks of Each
Apart from the different advantages each item has over the other, there are some unique disadvantages. For granite is that despite it being usable for almost any room floor, using granite will make rooms indoor have a jungle feel. Additionally, their rough and tough nature makes them more suited for the outdoors rather than an indoor setting. For marble the elegance comes at a very high price. Because of its delicate nature, compare with granite, marble becomes extremely difficult to maintain. Hard use will make the marble scratch and loose its shine very easily and require special trained persons to repair or replace.
Taking these points into consideration, it is clear that each aims to serve a different purpose. Their roles are completely different and as such, it becomes less of a choicebetween on or the other but rather a choice of using the right stone for the right surface.